by SigmaLabs | Jun 13, 2018 | Wave7
Game Economy is probably one of the most critical factors for a successful game company and while this is the case, most companies struggle in developing, maintaining and monitoring their economy. One of the most significant challenges in creating a good game economy...
by SigmaLabs | Jun 5, 2018 | Wave7
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a growing plague, causing a huge amount of bees to die every year and harming their population and global pollination. The combination of technology and agriculture is not new to the world. Nevertheless, bees and beekeeping have been...
by SigmaLabs | Feb 28, 2018 | Alumni Interviews
2nd episode in our one-on-one series, now with FlyMoney CEO, Tal Ekroni, on having a vision that has a global effect on world travelers and becoming a successful revenue-generating company. We know there’s a story behind FlyMoney, do you mind sharing? So...
by SigmaLabs | Jan 31, 2018 | Wave6
Growee provides ingenious technology to easily and cost-effectively grow any kind plant from your smartphone. Growee’s product utilizes NASA’s development, the hydroponic method, which grows plants based only on water rather than soil. Hydroponics, the most advanced...
by SigmaLabs | Jan 25, 2018 | Wave6
Zone7 predicts real-time sports injuries and ensures that athletes train efficiently to maximize results at minimum risk. Zone7 aligns athlete’s training programs with their physical health to achieve the ultimate combination of resilience and maximum...